Why wood?

Wood stands out from all other construction materials. It is renewable and organic, eco-friendly and climate-smart. There are many good reasons to choose wood.
- Low weight – for foundations, handling and construction techniques.
- Flexibility – the ability to handle the material with light tools; the ability to make changes to the building during construction.
- Series size – short series and small projects are made cheaper with wood as the structural material, through the simple production method and the lightness of the material.
- Industrial construction brings further cost savings, and in terms of overall economics, the flexibility, low weight and rapid pace of building on site are making the choice of wood increasingly tempting to developers on larger construction projects.
- Since wood is a renewable material that grows through photosynthesis, and thus absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the material brings many environmental advantages. Building in wood combats the greenhouse effect, involves no consumption of finite resources and reduces our energy consumption.
- Building in winter – wood’s properties remain unchanged in freezing conditions, and moisture problems are reduced since mould and wood-decaying fungi do not occur in temperatures below +5°C.
- Fire safety benefits – wood is undeniably combustible, but its function and properties remain unchanged within the pyrolysis zone. The rate of combustion is well known and is used when designing for fire safety.
- There has been extensive research into wood and moisture, and compliance with the clear guidelines that have been drawn up for the use of the material is able to mitigate the risks.