The pine lamp "December"

Applying their experimental work on light, the students at the school of furniture design have made their design ideas come to life in the Woodlights project.

"December" designed by AnnaKlara Gleisner. Photo: Olof Grind.

The inspiration for the luminaire December is taken from the barren natural landscape in the norden parts of Sweden. Like ice cubes facets sparkles with angular shapes and light bleeds through the screens gaps. As we in the Nordic countries need more light in the winter, the pine shrinks and allows light to pass between the facets. Likewise the pine swells when the heat, humidity and light comes to spring and summer.

December is made of Swedish pine and metal with the LED light source.

Anna Klara Gleisner is a third year furniture design student at Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies. Before attending to Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies she has exploratory art studies from Nyckelviksskolan and Art School in Stockholm. She also has a bachelor degree from Socialhögskolan, the School of Social Work, in Stockholm. In her profession AnnaKlara combines her interest in people and furniture. "A piece of furniture should be experienced as both form and function”.

Here you can read the press release "The pine lamp – a bright new take on an old favourite" and downloads photos..