List of Swedish Wood´s publications
The book series Design of timber structure Volume 1-3 fills a long-standing gap within the Swedish field of timber engineering. The books are mainly produced for active structural engineers and for students at technical universities and institutes of higher education in Sweden. Researchers, architects, students of lower technical education and people with a general interest in learning how to design timber structures or just increase their knowledge of the building material timber, could benefit from parts of the content.
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The CLT Handbook is the result of a collaboration between Swedish suppliers of cross laminated timber, CLT, and the industry body Swedish Wood. The CLT Handbook is part of Swedish Wood’s investment in handbooks for building in wood.188 pages and format A4.
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Grading of sawn timber in Euroe according to EN 1611-1. Terms and definitions, methods of measurement and requirements. 60 pages and format A5.